Service Time: Sundays at 10:00 am


"Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood."
-Acts 20:28

Josh Huisman

Senior Pastor

Josh Huisman is the senior pastor of New Hope Community Church, a growing, generous body of believers committed to pursuing a relentless, unrestricted relationship with Jesus Christ.

Josh has a passion for creativity and is always looking for new and interesting ways to share the timeless truths of the gospel. It is not uncommon for him to use music, drama and storytelling throughout his messages.

Josh, along with his wife, Sarah, began their time at New Hope in the youth ministry. For eight years they served the teenagers before Josh answered the call and transitioned into the senior pastor position. In May 2013 he received a Master of Theological Studies from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary. Today, he is excited to lead New Hope Community Church into a bright future that will involve a God-sized time of growth, both physically and spiritually.

His favorite scripture brings the encouragement and hope that every believer who loves the Lord should know. Romans 8:28: "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose."

Josh and his wife, Sarah, and their children Tyler, Jordan, Mary Beth, and Alyssa make their home in Nashville.

"I believe God loves all people, regardless of where they've been, what they've done, or even what they will do. Because of that, I feel called to deliver a biblical message in a common sense way that lets people know Jesus is ready to receive them with open arms."


Meet the Staff

Austin Duncan, New Hope Community Church Associate Pastor


Associate Pastor

Lauren Cochran, New Hope Community Church Children's Ministry Director, Create Hope Studios Director


Children's Ministry Director
& Create Hope Studios Director

Austin is married to Cassy and came to New Hope from West Texas back in 2018. Austin is the Associate Pastor at New Hope, and is responsible for seeing our church grow through Connect Groups, overseeing the experience of first time guests, and leading those interested through our new member class, New Hope 101. He also oversees New Hope's communication, branding, and media through online platforms as well as print and marketing. His desire is to see everyone in our community know and love Jesus and each other through genuine community. He loves playing guitar, coffee, and writing.

Lauren is a native of Nashville, and is married to Bo. For as long as she can remember Lauren has had a heart and passion for taking care of children. In her mid-twenties God called Lauren into children's ministry, and eleven years later, she still feels blessed to serve children and their families. Lauren's desire is to equip your children with a love for Jesus and His word, but she also desires to come alongside you as parents with prayer, love, encouragement and support, walking this journey together.

Paul Bane, New Hope Community Church Pastor Emeritus


High School Director

Sutton Porth, New Hope Community Church Worship and Creative Arts Director


Middle School Director

Paul Bane, New Hope Community Church Pastor Emeritus


Administrative Assistant

Gavin and his wife Maddi moved from Ohio to Nashville in February of 2022. He first felt a call to youth ministry as a junior in high school, later graduating from Ohio Christian University with a B.A. in Youth Ministry. He has a passion for leading youth to Christ and helping them to both build and grow in their relationship with God. The Great Commission in Matthew 28 tells us to "go and make disciples," which is Gavin's goal for both himself and the students he leads.

Sarah, along with her husband and Senior Pastor, Josh, began their time at New Hope in the youth ministry. For eight years they served the teenager before josh answered the call and transition into the senior pastor position. Sarah now serves the middle school ministry at New Hope, teaching on a weekly basis, taking students on trips, and making the ministry a blast for all of the students involved. Josh and Sarah, and their children Tyler, Jordan, Mary Beth, and Alyssa make their home in Nashville.

Karyn grew up in the gold-country foothills of northern California, and came to New Hope in September of 2021, after making a 2300 mile move across the country, trusting unknown futures to a known God, with the simple prayer of asking God to open doors she and her husband were meant to walk through. Long story short: every door they tried was flung open wide! She brings with her 5 years of church administration experience and a cumulative ten+ years of administrative/management experience. Karyn and her husband Marcus have two boys through the gift of adoption and foster care adoption: Gideon and Asher. She feels that her position at New Hope is an almost tangible hug from God, recalling the verse that reads: "cast all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you." (1 Peter 5:7)

Meet the Elders





Contact the Elders

If you would like to contact the Elders at New Hope, please click the button below and they will be in contact with you soon.

Meet the Deacons

Missions Team

Men's Ministry


Women's Ministry


Ushers & Greeters


Building & Grounds


Finance Team


Fellowship Team


Local Outreach



Contact the Deacons

If you would like to contact the Deacons at New Hope, please click the button below and they will be in contact with you soon.