Service Time: Sundays at 10:00 am

Summer 2022 Semester:
Week of May 1 - July 24

They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship...

Acts 2:42-47

Connect Groups at New Hope are smaller groups of people meeting throughout the week, both here at the church and throughout the community to study the Bible, make new friends, serve the community, and simply do life together.

Sunday Groups

It Starts at Home

Parent Group
Sunday Mornings: 8:30 - 9:45 am
Dates: May 1st - July 24th
Room: New Hope Room 4
Leaders: Bo & Lauren Cochran
Childcare Available
About this Group:
As Your Children Grow, Will Their Faith Grow Too?
Strengthening family and home life is the best way to encourage your children to maintain a lifelong faith. It Starts at Home upholds marriage and family as the proving ground for lasting success. Join our Children's Director, Lauren Cochran and her husband, Bo, as they provide a clear purpose, effective strategy, and a simple plan for anyone who wants to be intentional in their homes.

As Your Children Grow, Will Their Faith Grow Too? As both stories and statistics attest, the number of evangelical children who abandon Christianity in adulthood is staggering. To see effective change, parents cannot leave their child's faith to chance. Rather, families must start nurturing faith early-you cannot start once your child is grown, you must start at home. Strengthening family and home life is the best way to encourage your children to maintain a lifelong faith. It Starts at Home upholds marriage and family as the proving ground for lasting success. Join our Children's Director, Lauren Cochran and her husband, Bo, as they provide a clear purpose, effective strategy, and a simple plan for anyone who wants to be intentional in their homes.

As Your Children Grow, Will Their Faith Grow Too? As both stories and statistics attest, the number of evangelical children who abandon Christianity in adulthood is staggering. To see effective change, parents cannot leave their child's faith to chance. Rather, families must start nurturing faith early-you cannot start once your child is grown, you must start at home. Strengthening family and home life is the best way to encourage your children to maintain a lifelong faith. It Starts at Home upholds marriage and family as the proving ground for lasting success. Join our Children's Director, Lauren Cochran and her husband, Bo, as they provide a clear purpose, effective strategy, and a simple plan for anyone who wants to be intentional in their homes.

As Your Children Grow, Will Their Faith Grow Too? As both stories and statistics attest, the number of evangelical children who abandon Christianity in adulthood is staggering. To see effective change, parents cannot leave their child's faith to chance. Rather, families must start nurturing faith early-you cannot start once your child is grown, you must start at home. Strengthening family and home life is the best way to encourage your children to maintain a lifelong faith. It Starts at Home upholds marriage and family as the proving ground for lasting success. Join our Children's Director, Lauren Cochran and her husband, Bo, as they provide a clear purpose, effective strategy, and a simple plan for anyone who wants to be intentional in their homes.

Faith Foundations

Sunday Mornings: 8:30 - 9:45 am
Dates: May 1st - July 24th
Room: New Hope Room 5
Leaders: Dan Zimmerle and Alan Knickerbocker
Childcare Available

Join Dan and Alan and learn about the foundations of our faith, so you can be sure that you are standing on rock-solid theology. In this Connect Group you'll experience fellowship with other believers, learning from mature and experienced Christian leaders to help equip you in evangelism and discipleship. If you're looking to grow in your faith with intentionality, this group is an incredible first step.

Join Dan and Alan and learn about the foundations of our faith, so you can be sure that you are standing on rock-solid theology. In this Connect Group you'll experience fellowship with other believers, learning from mature and experienced Christian leaders to help equip you in evangelism and discipleship. If you're looking to grow in your faith with intentionality, this group is an incredible first step.

Join Dan and Alan and learn about the foundations of our faith, so you can be sure that you are standing on rock-solid theology. In this Connect Group you'll experience fellowship with other believers, learning from mature and experienced Christian leaders to help equip you in evangelism and discipleship. If you're looking to grow in your faith with intentionality, this group is an incredible first step.

About this Group:
Join Dan and Alan and learn about the foundations of our faith, so you can be sure that you are standing on rock-solid theology. In this Connect Group you'll experience fellowship with other believers, learning from mature and experienced Christian leaders to help equip you in evangelism and discipleship. If you're looking to grow in your faith with intentionality, this group is an incredible first step.

BOLD: Share Jesus With Confidence

Sunday Mornings: 8:30 - 9:45 am
Dates: May 1st - July 24th
Room: New Hope Room 101
Leader: Tom Thompson
Childcare Available
About this Group:
Do you have a fear of sharing Jesus with others? In this Connect Group, we'll be equipping believers for relational evangelism, removing any fear of sharing Christ with others, so that you can boldly proclaim the gospel. Join Tom Thompson as we learn how to avoid stereotypical approaches, instead sharing the gospel in natural and effective ways, while being ourselves. This incredibly practical and beneficial Connect Group will help you identify and develop an evangelical style that is effective for you, teach you how to respond to commonly asked questions, so that we may be known as those who walk with Jesus and speak the gospel with boldness, no matter the cost.

Do you have a fear of sharing Jesus with others? In this Connect Group, we'll be equipping believers for relational evangelism, removing any fear of sharing Christ with others, so that you can boldly proclaim the gospel. Join Tom Thompson as we learn how to avoid stereotypical approaches, instead sharing the gospel in natural and effective ways, while being ourselves. This incredibly practical and beneficial Connect Group will help you identify and develop an evangelical style that is effective for you, teach you how to respond to commonly asked questions, so that we may be known as those who walk with Jesus and speak the gospel with boldness, no matter the cost.

Monday and Tuesday Ministry Groups

Young at Heart

Monday Mornings: 9:30 - 10:30 am
New Hope Fellowship Hall
Leader: Paul Bane
About this Ministry Group:
Young at Heart at New Hope exists to build and foster a community to grow spiritually, provide fellowship with one another, and reach the lost in our community.
Our Young at Heart Ministry meets on a weekly and ongoing basis.

If you're interested in joining the Young at Heart Ministry, click the button below and one of our leaders will reach out to you.

Young at Heart at New Hope exists to build and foster a community to grow spiritually, provide fellowship with one another, and reach the lost in our community. Our Young at Heart Ministry meets on a weekly and ongoing basis. If you're interested in joining the Young at Heart Ministry, click the button below and one of our leaders will reach out to you.

Young Adults

Tuesday Evenings: 6:30 - 8:00 pm
New Hope Cafe
Leaders: Austin Duncan, Sutton Porth, & Neal Clement
About this Group:
New Hope Young Adults exist to build a community that is connected, genuine, welcoming, generous and influential. We want to see Young Adults connected with one another and with God, and who are influencing their world, whether in college, at work, or at home.  

If you're interested in joining New Hope Young Adults, click the button below and one of our leaders will reach out to you.

Wednesday Groups

Forged: Developing Godly Men

Men's Group
Wednesday Evenings: 6 - 7:30 pm
Dates: May 4th - July 27th
Room: New Hope Room 4
Leaders: Randy Smith & Todd Hutchison
Childcare Available
About this Group:
It's critical for men to understand the importance of a spiritually disciplined life and a life of kingdom order. Join Randy Smith, Todd Hutchison, as we invite the men of New Hope to embrace God’s definition of masculinity and to step into His calling upon their lives to wield their strength on behalf of others. Throughout the semester we'll be going through different bible studies, fellowship, and learning alongside one another.

It's critical for men to understand the importance of a spiritually disciplined life and a life of kingdom order. Join Randy Smith and the men of New Hope as we invite men to embrace God's definition of masculinity and to step into His calling upon their lives to wield their strength on behalf of others. Throughout the semester we'll be going through different bible studies, fellowship, and learning alongside one another.

It's critical for men to understand the importance of a spiritually disciplined life and a life of kingdom order. Join Randy Smith and the men of New Hope as we invite men to embrace God's definition of masculinity and to step into His calling upon their lives to wield their strength on behalf of others. Throughout the semester we'll be going through different bible studies, fellowship, and learning alongside one another.

It's critical for men to understand the importance of a spiritually disciplined life and a life of kingdom order. Join Randy Smith and the men of New Hope as we invite men to embrace God's definition of masculinity and to step into His calling upon their lives to wield their strength on behalf of others. Throughout the semester we'll be going through different bible studies, fellowship, and learning alongside one another.

Fierce: Women of the Bible

Women's Group
Wednesday Evenings: 6 - 7:30 pm
Dates: May 4th - July 27th
Room: New Hope Room 5
Leader: Carol Castillo
Childcare Available

The word FIERCE is used to describe women who are extreme athletes, high-level executives, or supermodels. Women at the top of their game. But what about the rest of us? Can we be fierce? Absolutely! In fact, women like us have been changing the world for thousands of years-many who received little fanfare yet lived fiercely anyway. Join Carol Castillo this semester as we look at lesser-known female characters in the Bible and the ways they changed the world by living into God's calling.

About this Group:
The word FIERCE is used to describe women who are extreme athletes, high-level executives, or supermodels. Women at the top of their game. But what about the rest of us? Can we be fierce? Absolutely! In fact, women like us have been changing the world for thousands of years—many who received little fanfare yet lived fiercely anyway. Join Carol Castillo this semester as we look at lesser-known female characters in the Bible and the ways they changed the world by living into God’s calling.

10: From Believer to Disciple

Wednesday Evenings: 6 - 7:30 pm
Dates: May 4th - July 27th
Room: New Hope Room 101
Leader: Phil Roberts
Childcare Available

What does it look like for people to experience the love, power, and presence of God so strongly they're transformed from the inside out? Many people go to church when it's convenient, occasionally read their Bibles and pray, and sometimes feel close to God, but He's not the passion and purpose of their lives. They may be believers, but they're not devoted disciples. Join Dr. Phil Roberts in this Connect Group, as he gives a clear contrast between believers and disciples, and leave feeling inspired to experience more of God than ever before.

About this Group:
What does it look like for people to experience the love, power, and presence of God so strongly they’re transformed from the inside out? Many people go to church when it’s convenient, occasionally read their Bibles and pray, and sometimes feel close to God, but He’s not the passion and purpose of their lives. They may be believers, but they’re not devoted disciples. Join Dr. Phil Roberts in this Connect Group, as he gives a clear contrast between believers and disciples, and leave feeling inspired to experience more of God than ever before.

James: A Faith that Works

Wednesday Evenings: 6 - 7:30 pm
Dates: May 4th - July 27th
Room: New Hope Room 103
Leader: Austin Duncan
Childcare Available
About this Group:
True faith produces fruit. A faith without action and without life change is ultimately a dead faith. The book of James speaks to the realities of a living faith in Jesus—the kind of roll-up-your-sleeves and get-your-hands-dirty discipleship that is borne out of an authentic relationship with the risen Lord. James writes to believers who know suffering, who've faced trials, and who ultimately desire a deep relationship with God. In this Connect Group, we'll unpack the dense truth contained in the book of James verse-by-verse, challenging each other to move beyond a private, intellectual knowledge of God and His Word, to a vibrant faith that impacts every square inch of life.

Connect Group Leaders

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Are you interested in leading a Connect Group at New Hope? Click the button below to let us know!

Leader Hub

Click the button below to access the Leader Hub and get access to training, resources, important dates, and more!