Service Time: Sundays at 10:00 am

6 Steps to Building Community in Your Connect Group

Relationships are the glue that hold Connect Groups together. Creating an environment where people can deepen their relationship with one another is a big part of leading a healthy Connect Group.

Here are five great tips on how to develop community within your Connect Group over the course of the semester.

1. Ask for input.

Ask questions like: "What do you think? Do you agree? Disagree? Does anyone else have any input?"

2. Be real with your group.

Laugh, share the things you struggle with as well as your victories and share your life and love for the Lord. Let the people in your group be your friends. You don't have to spill your deepest, darkest secrets, but let them know you're a real person who is in the process of becoming like Christ.

3. Maintain confidentiality.

If someone shares something confidentially, honor their request and don't share it outside of the group. Ask your group to do the same.

4. Work through conflict.

Tension in a group is a possibility. Agree to work through any disagreements together early on in your group. You may have to act as a mediator to make sure points of view are heard.

5. Regularly plan group time for members to tell each other about their lives.

In the initial stages of your Connect Group, an icebreaker is a good way to let people share experiences from their lives.

Developing Relationships Outside Your Connect Group

Here are 5 basic ideas for activities that you can do together with your group members outside of your meetings:
  1. Go to lunch/dinner
  2. Attend church together (or even better, sit together in church)
  3. Go to a concert/event
  4. Volunteer on a team together
  5. Celebrate a major life event together

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